Monday, May 7, 2007

SHAM - a way of life!!

An online magazine with a difference ~ DESI style!!

The fourth estate! Powerful and omnipresent. Media plays a vital role in our daily lives and none more so than the www. The Web has lead to “the death of distance”, and has brought us into touching distance with the far reaches of the Earth. All this serious and seemingly informed talk is actually just a load of sham! We are ‘three young blokes’ who have started on an odyssey that would forever change our lives.

SHAM is going to be an online magazine that provides all us desi’s with an awesome place to hang out at. There will be truckloads of entertainment, a gamut of emotions and expressions and we will also talk shop, vis-à-vis, studies, employment and beyond. This is going to be a serious magazine which talks about serious issues (SHAMming again!!). SHAM is going to be fun, fun and a whole can of ‘whoop-ass’ (pardon the language).

We are looking for your support in getting this ride on the road and would appreciate any and all kinds of help. There is a need for writers, designers, photographers and creative people who have the desire to have a place that we can call, “OUR OWN!”

For starters, you can contribute by filling out the survey HERE. If you don't give a s*** about the magazine, at least you'll have the satisfaction of helping out your fellow students!!


Atmdeo said...

Hey good idea guys ...the online magazine sounds good...i like the SHAM part ;)...all the best, would like to see it..get busy shamming you guys!! Cheers

Arvind Ramachander said...

Woohoo..I am actually doing a similar thingy too and with person from a diff looks like you ppl are also in par :-)
Waiting for these wings to stretch !
Gudluck !